Alleyn’s School

What a pleasure it was to meet the young poets of Alleyn’s School yesterday. Reception and years 1 and 2 were engaged and engaging, doing a fantastic job of joining in with both actions and sounds effects – as well as some impromptu performances of their own, showcasing poems they’d chosen to perform for their school’s poetry celebration.

It was equally enjoyable to perform for and chat to years 3 and 4 and years 5 and 6, who came up with these fantastic drafts of kennings and recipe poems in just 20 minutes or so! Not only that, but having read ‘Why did my brain make me say it?’ at lunchtime, Olivia and Xan asked if they could perform my poems ‘Reasons my little sister cried this week’ and ‘Lie-ku’ in front of the rest of the class in the session. Both girls did a brilliant job; it was interesting to see them choose a sadder poem as well as a funny one, and lovely to see them so inspired by poetry.

Special thanks to super-librarian Mrs Edwards for organising the day and making me so welcome.

Remember - you never know where a poem might take you!

Who am I? By years 3 and 4 Allyen's School. Some call me... sky-rat/head-pooper/bin-robber/sandwich -stealer. Others know me as...pavement pecker, fright-flapper, high-house-nester, army-messenger. I call myself...magnetic-Norther


Wonderful World Book Day