NaPoWriMo Day 25

Any dreams I had of heart-wrenching lyricism seem to be fast disappearing and so it’s more dodgy light verse today I’m afraid. I blame the fact that I actually had to go into the office. Rude or what? Anyway, the prompt was to write a love poem with a statement in brackets, mention of a flower and some odd line breaks. Well, two out of three ain’t bad.

The Love Song of Andy Park*


I love you more than Brussels sprouts

(I know that sounds quite quirky)

I love you more than cranberry sauce

I love you more than turkey.


No roast potato could compare

To gazing in your eyes

I love you more than Roses chocs

And more than warm mince pies.


I love you more than Christmas cake

Or trifle laced with sherry

You’ve stollen my poor heart away

You’re all that makes me merry.

*Andy Park is the self-styled ‘Mr Christmas’ who claims to celebrate every day with a full Christmas dinner


NaPoWriMo Day 26


NaPoWriMo Day 24